Spanish English

Tuesday 1

"Chiral fermions on the lattice"
M. Golterman (Washington U.) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"Universality of the Gunn effect in semiconductor physics"
L. Bonilla (U. Carlos III) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Wednesday 2

"Phenomenology of Renormalons"
V. Zakharov (U. Michigan) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"Statistical Physics of Glassy Systems"
F. Ritort (U. Amsterdam / U. Barcelona) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Thursday 3

"Mesoscopic Physics and Orbital Magnetic Response"
Y. Imry (Weizmann I.) - Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h

Friday 4

"Fermionic Monte Carlo Algorithms"
P. de Forcrand (ETH Zurich) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"Fullerens, the Dirac equation and all that"
F. Guinea (CSIC) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Monday 7

"Matrix Models at large N"
M. Campostrini (U. Pisa) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"A lattice field theoretical model for High-Tc superconductivity"
A. van der Sijs (ETH Zurich) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Tuesday 8

"Phase Transition at High Temperature in Particle Physics"
C. Korthas Altes (CNRS Marseille) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"Superdonducting Phase Coherence in Stripped Cuprates"
A. Castro Neto (UC, Riverside) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Wednesday 9

"CPN Sigma models at theta different from zero"
M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza) - Seminar room, 12.30h

Informal discussion on SO(5) symmetry in high-Tc superconductivity
Seminar room, 16h

"Finite size spectrum of the 2D Heisenberg model"
S. Sorella (SISSA) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Thursday 10

"3D Ising Model Equation of State"
J. Zinn-Justin (Saclay) - Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h

Friday 11

"The twisted Wilson fermion for the Standard Model on a lattice"
S-S. Xue (INFN Milan) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"RG approach to interacting electrons. Some examples"
J. Gonzalez (CSIC) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Monday 14

"What tunnels faster: fractional charges or electrons"
A. Auerbach (Technion) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"The supersymmetric Itzykson-Zuber Integral"
J. Alfaro (U. C. Chile) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Tuesday 15

"SO(5) and high Tc-superconductivity: A tourist's perspective"
C. Burgess (Mc Gill) - Seminar room, 12.30h

Informal discussion on Instantons, cooling and the topological structure of YM vacuum (moderated by Teper)
Seminar room, 17h

"Non reciprocal photons and phonons in magnetic systems"
R. Valenti (Dortmund U.) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Wednesday 16

Informal discussion on Skyrmions and QHE (moderated by L. Martin Moreno)
Seminar room, 11h

"Fermions on the lattice"
A. Slavnov (Steclov Math. Inst.) - Casa de la Cultura, 17.00h

Thursday 17

"SU(N) gauge theories for any N in d=2+1"
M. Teper (Oxford U.) - Seminar room, 12.30h

"The recurrence Relation method for Heisenberg and t-J ladders"
M.A. Martin Delgado (U. Complutense) - Seminar room, 18.30h

Friday 18

Closing talk of the '97 session
L. Alvarez-Gaume (CERN) - Seminar room, 11.30h